A group of “white hat” hackers (wearing white hats means that they are good guys) have tested how secure smartwatches are, and the truth is that the hackers were able to swipe personal information out of the LG G Watch, the Samsung Gear 2 Neo and eight other models. Dr. Frank Breitinger, assistant professor and associate director of the University of New Haven Cyber Forensics Research & Education Group, wanted to see if any of the information inside the timepieces was encrypted. The answer was “No.”
Without encryption, data like contacts, emails, messages and even your health and fitness data can be swiped by the bad guys. Later this month, the Doctor’s group plans on making a presentation in Toulouse, France. Titled “Watch what you wear: preliminary forensic analysis of smartwatches,” the presentation will show how the data inside your smartwatch can be quite a haul for criminals looking to steal personal information.
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