It hasn’t even been two months since the launch of the Apple iPhone 6s and Apple iPhone 6s Plus, but already there is talk about the next iteration of Apple’s iconic smartphone. According to a person who claims to be familiar with Apple’s plans, the tech titan is going to design, develop, and mass produce the next iPhone ahead of schedule. This source insists that Apple is looking to take advantage of what it expects will be heavy demand for a re-designed iPhone 7.
Apple’s design schedule calls for a newly designed iPhone to be followed the next year with an “S” model that keeps the same design as the prior year’s phone. In 2014, Apple raised the screen size from 4-inches on the Apple iPhone 5s to 4.7-inches on the Apple iPhone 6. A 5.5-inch phablet, the Apple iPhone 6 Plus, was also introduced. That led to this year’s Apple iPhone 6s and Apple iPhone 6s Plus. Apple’s schedule now calls for a newly designed Apple iPhone 7 and Apple iPhone 7 Plus for 2016. According to the source, Apple is concerned that as we move into 2016, sales of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus will start to wane as consumers wait for the newly designed iPhone 7.
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