Dell has announced the Venue 10 7000 Android tablet. The Venue 10 features a 10.5″ display, a full size detachable keyboard, productivity tools and Android 5.0 Lollipop. Here’s more info on this upcoming Dell Venue tablet.
The Venue 10 7000 features a barrel edge design that makes it easy to hold and carry, or slot into the magnetic, backlit keyboard that can position the tablet in five different configurations: tablet, slate, stand, tent or clamshell modes. It comes with MaxxAudio Mobile by Waves and front-firing stereo speakers.
The Venue 10 features a 10.5-inch OLED 2560 x 1600 screen, a quad-core Intel Atom Z3580 processor, and the Intel RealSense snapshot depth camera, which takes a depth map for every picture captured. The tablet also features the intuitive Dell Gallery application with selective re-focusing and measurement functions, as well as smart albums to automatically organize photos.
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